What is DarkGreenForest- (Studios)?

DarkGreenForest- (Studios) is a group of friends that creates music, games, and animations with each other.

The so called "Studio" is mostly operated by one person, DarkGreenForest-.

The other people are mm85, platepuzz24, and Panda-Kid.

What do we do?

As stated in the above section, we make animations, games, and music.

We release most of our music and animations on our Youtube Channel!

Games are still a work in progress, but we have big plans for the future of our "Studio".

Why do we do this?

Nobody ever in the history of history asked this question.

We do all of this because we are bored most of the time and just want to hang out and make stupid and or complicated stuff...
Yep, thats it!

Plus, our motto is:

Animator of the stupid,
Creator of the Complex.